OK. So I guess I'm not up to posting a blog everyday. But that should just keep people on their toes to keep checking back in on us.
What has happened?
Well, we joined all the rest of the Americans that have bought a gun recently. Not so much as we think Obama is going to make it illegal but mainly because with things looking so grim with the economy and drug users and you just never know. So we got one. Now we can go hunting. Or shoot that guy trying to break into the house. (As long as he is really slow because we got a gun lock and are keeping it unloaded.) But if it's us or them we will win cause I've got a machete to hold them off with while I unlock and load the thing.
So, with all the people buying guns and I guess 22's the bullets are really hard to find. So we went to Wal-mart. Sold out. So we went to the local gun store. Sold out. We went to K-mart. They don't do gun's. (Liberals.) So we tried a pawn shop. Bingo, they had bullets galore. So we bought 200. We shoved them in the glove box of the truck and headed for the woods. To shoot the bullets.
Sure enough blue and red lights in the rear view. F.H.P. All kind of stuff went through our heads. We weren't speeding. Did Chris run another red light? He just got popped in Orlando by the light camera. They had a close up picture of him running the red light. No, we were sure we did nothing wrong.
Well, the officer comes to the window. "Licence and registration." He's all business. I pop open the glove box. and Oh yeah we had just bought a butt load of bullets. Luckily the police officer wasn't concerned about it. So, Chris asked "Why are you stopping us?" The police officer says "Your tag says 12-08" Yep, it was at that moment we realized we had totally forgot to renew our car tag. I guess with the move and everything it just slipped our mind. Luckily we got stopped or we might have been riding around for 6 months and then the fine would have been bigger. We've been all over Florida with these expired tags. And even had a close up picture taken of the truck tags and no one noticed. I was sure when that cop followed me down the road the other day he was typing my tag number into his computer. You'd have thought he would have noticed. Maybe he was just going down the road.
Anyway that's what's been happening.