I know I'm always saying I'm going to get the hang of this blog thing and someday have tons of readers and make loads of money but.... I just forget to post stuff. Well here is my latest post about what's going on:
Recently my sister came down to Florida all the way from that far off land called Kansas. Which is a lot like Florida with out trees. It's flat and you can't trust the weather. But we have beaches! And forest and swamps to play in so it make it better here. She stayed with my Aunt who also lives in central Florida. So we were pretty busy running back and forth, shoping, swimming at my Aunts, we had a bar-b-q and in general had a great time
Brother in-law with sister at Aunts house.
I was at the grocery store the other day and needed some dry oregano but my usual brand (the cheeper one) wasn't there. So I looked in the "mexican isle" (that's what my uncle calls it) cause some times you can find good spices there for less, but no. Not there either. They did have the more expensive fancey brand so I bought that, then I started worrying that there was some sort of oragano shortage. Like a pest ate it all or there was a blight. I don't know. So I came home and harvested most of my fresh oragano. I did notice some bug had laid eggs in its leaves, so I picked those leaves off. I got quite a big harvest form my one little plant and now I'm drying it by hanging it over my stove. I don't know how I would cook with out oragano. It goes in just about everything I cook.
We finally got some figs off our tree. Yes, we got jumpy and harvested them early, not all of them, just a taste. Mmmm.... figs. It's been so dry and the tree is young so it's been sucking up a lot of water. Chris didn't water it one day and the leaves started turning yellow. But... we gave it a little water and now it's making more figs. These figs are really big but so far they aren't all that sweet but that could be because we picked them a little early. I've heard fig jam is really good so if I get enough ripe at the same time I might try making some.