Monday, February 21, 2011

The beginning of a garden!

The Right Spot!

Garden went in a little to the right.

We spent the day digging a new plot for our garden. Last years garden turned out to be quite a disaster. The dirt was more sand than we could handle. So this year we decided to plant a little closer to the lake where the grass is greener. We have very few plants in our yard so relocating it isn't a problem.

The new spot.

You could definitely tell it is spring here by all the plants that are flowering and trees sprouting leaves. It's the perfect time to start the garden. The blueberries are loaded with flowers this year they must have really liked all that cold weather. I hope it makes them sweeter.

Blue berry flowers.

With every shovel we get a grub. In this case two in one dig. Why those water fowl that visit my lawn every day haven't picked it clean of these things I'll never know. Last year we planted sweet potatoes and they ate everyone so this year I hear a product called milky spore is supposed to get rid of them so that's what I'll be buying.

Two of the grubs from the new garden.

I've heard people in some parts of the world consider grubs to be a delicacy. They'd get fat in my back yard. We have found tons. I only saw one beetle from last year. I remember thinking it was so pretty.
Not now.

Chris rototilling.

  After we scrapped the grass off the top we broke out the old rototiller. It's much easier than digging and we realized we should have scrapped off more of the grass. Because as easy as it was we could have done a lot more. Under the grass is where we found the grubs. We didn't find any while rototilling. So it was pretty nice.

Me plowing with the tiller.
After a while Chris let me give it a try. It was shortly afterward that the tiller died. So we ended up digging it all by hand and decided we had enough dug up. I don't know how those pioneer people did it. It's hard work and we just did a tiny little space. We will have to find a lawn mower shop that knows how to work on old rototillers.

As you can see my ground, as my daughter puts it, looks like dirty beach sand. So we added some of that prepackaged garden soil. We mixed that in. Last year we did that and it didn't make a bit of a difference. But this year we bought some black cow. It's good stuff or so I'm told. I was also told just get some old cow pies and use that but I'm afraid if I go in a pasture the farmer will shoot me thinking I'm messin' with his cows.

This year we are going to try and make our own compost bin, again. Last year it didn't work and we have a trash can full of weeds still. They are dehydrated not rotted and full of bugs. And yes there is also water in there so I don't know how it happened. So any way this year we got some compost starter and hopefully that will work. Plus we plan to add grass clippings to it.
Look at that thing go!  Right before it died.

We still have these cabbages from last year. I planted them in October and they are about the size of a tennis ball. I've got four lovely ones. I plan to pick them and eat them for St. Patrick's day. Unless they look like they are going to go to seed. Then I'll have to eat them sooner.

So you'll have to wait till next time to see what all plants I plant this year. (Hopefully some of them live.) This is truly gardening from scratch. And no we didn't get the soil tested. We are pretty sure it's sand and anything we add to it disappears and turns into more sand so we will be going from there and assuming it must be pure acidic soil. I heard azaleas grow well in acidic soil. The fig and the blueberries like it. Just got to figure out what kind of garden vegetables like it.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February: Art, Racing and Gardening all in one month! Oh yeah! And Chris had a birthday.

Top of the hill.
This month has been relatively busy, Weekend before last we went to the Mt. Dora Arts festival.

Some of the amazing glass sculptures we saw.
It was a lot of fun. We got to see all kinds of artist and art. After ward we went back to Aunt Patty's and had fancy arty foods.

Fancy foods.

Than Last weekend we went to the Bud Shoot Out in Daytona. It was a lot of fun too!
Some of the gang in front of the sign.

When we first arrived we were very impressed by the track itself. The ARCA race started and the roaring of the cars going around the track vibrated every bone in your body.
It was great!

Dale Jr.s car for the shoot out getting inspected.

The extra money we spent to get the fan zone tickets was well worth it.
Dale Jr. garage. This car got wrecked at a practice.

We got to see the cars being inspected and we got to look in all the drivers garages. We got personal access to the track and we got to get right up front for the concert before the race. 

We also got to be among the first people to sign the start finish line. Chis thinks that the wear of the tires will take off the permanent marker that we wrote our names with. But we didn't go back down to check.
Me signing the start finish line.
We ran all around the infield saw the concert and the driver introductions. It was great!

Chris getting a closer look at the track.
Once the Shoot Out started we found some really great seats up in the grand stands. The cars would go around and you would feel that vibration of the cars going 200 or more miles an hour and then a strong gust of wind would fallow freezing us to the bone.
Kurt Busch was the winner and did a great burn out.

He jumped out of the car and gave a wave to the crowd.

And now we are working hard at getting our garden started. It's going to be a long process as our ground is mostly sand and you dig a grub up in just about every shovel. I'll have pictures in a later post. This is going to be gardening from scratch. Well, from nothing. First thing we are going to do is dig out the grass, till up the sand and grubs, add garden soil, figure out how to kill those grubs, safely and then find a less expensive way to keep the soil high quality. Maybe we will try our hand at composting again. Last time we failed miserably and ended up with a trash can full of weeds that didn't rot at all.

All this and I forgot to mention Valentines day and the Super Bowl.