I belive this to be my theory and my sole creation so anyone else who wants to reprint this needs to get my permission. Please post as a link for others to read.
Ok.... Theory goes: Something happens, natural disaster, meteor, climate change, all of which we as humans are more than evolved to deal with. My theory is what happens after that. My theory is that possibly humans are like locust.
Photo taken from National Geographic. |
Right now we are happy little grass hoppers, roaming around, doing what we do, relatively peacefully. But something happens and triggers a human gregarious phase, such as a locust have, and we begin to change. We will under go
metabolic and behavioral changes. We become aggressive, we will do things we would never normally dream of doing, murder, rape, plunder, destroy. Much like locust eating everything in there path. We will move as a herd leaving only death and destruction behind us. Now we are talking herd behavior, mob mentality, collective consciousness, mass hysteria, swarm intelligence.
Possible examples of this behavior is when in some instances people have committed crimes during riots that they would never have done any other time. Such as theft, rape, and even murder. Some times they have no memory of doing any of this. This would be the early stages of what awaits us.
Another example would be in a state of panic people act instinctively. They may follow the crowd, they may shove an elderly person to the ground to escape a burning building, they may jump from a burning building. We may do things that we would never belive we would do.
After 9/11 many people reported not remembering how they got out of the buildings. During car accidents many people do not remember what happened to them directly following the accident. Much like this, if any of us survive this phase of humanity, we will not remember what happened at all, what we ourselves had done. We may not even remember what came before. We will be different.
Another example would be how the Germans acted as a mass. They new what they were doing was wrong but continued on in fear. If morality is removed many humans will do unspeakable things that they would never consider doing otherwise. Like wise to much morality may make us do unspeakable things, such as the witch hunts of the American colonies.
In humans this behavior is mostly seen in situations where fear or anger are a factor. But if hunger suddenly comes into play to trigger this behavior, you would then see the transformations that I am suggesting. You would then see people acting as locust. With one mind. Death, destruction and peril would surely follow.
picture from man verses fish. |
We may under go a staggering metamorphosis. It will be psychological and physical. We may look completely different from the way we do now. Much like the locust who change color and even size or like the salmon that swim into salty water and then return to fresh. In salmon this is called the grilse phase. Many scientist say that it may be odor, the chemical signature of a particular stream, that ignites these changes. As well it may be with humans.We may emit pheromones that entice others to join us.
It has been seen when humans gather together and there are smells of urine and perspiration the swarm intelligence takes root. Often times this has been seen at sporting events in which violence breaks out.
picture from daily mail |
Science has documented that there is 10% of the human brain that is not used. That 10% is what is activated during this time of human swarming. The metabolic changes that take place trigger blood flow and heart rate changes that wake up this sleeping 10% and it guides us in what to do. We will no longer be us. We will resemble in some ways zombies from the horror movies or we may act like a crazed mob at a sporting event or looters during a riot. Exactly what will occur is not known. If it is anything like these this is a fairly accurate depiction of what we can expect.
Many of the religions of the world stress order, discipline, self control. Perhaps these are the lessons our ancestors want us to have learned perhaps it was to stave off the swarm mentality. To protect us from our inevitable fate.
And this could be, possibly, the end of humanity. Or I could just be making all of this up. :)