There's a hurricane a comin'
We did our best at cleaning up the yard and our supplies will just have to do. No one believes this storm is going to hit us directly anyway so..... Let's just hope not. But it is always good to be prepared.
We could use some more food. Mostly we have the peanut butter and canned meat. Notice it's tuna. We also have some Gator aid. They say it's good to have a flavor for your water but also gatorade will replenish your electrolytes. If there is not electric we are all going to need it with this heat.
We've got plenty of bottled water, we hope, and we filled these old zephyrhills 5gallon bottles with water to flush the toilets. We will also will fill up the tub if it looks like we will take a hit. I don't think our power will go out. Our lines are under ground but you never can tell about the lines leading up to ours. Last time we had a hurricane go straight through central Florida there were people that didn't get their power back on for two weeks. A lot of people have generators but we haven't made the investment yet.
The main thing people do before a hurricane is stock up on ply wood to cover there windows and doors. We've already got the plywood. So... check. We wont be standing in those lines. We probly will get gas before it hits and fill up our reserve tank just in case but I'm pretty sure the local gas station has a generator.
The most important supply is the booze and we will have to definitely get more.