I forgot this awesome picture of the magic pirate cake before it was wrapped in cheese cloth and covered in rum. You can see some rum glaze that was added to it before it was even removed from the pan and then the rest was drizzled over the top. It smelled as amazing as it looks. Yum can't wait to eat it around February maybe. We opened it up and added more rum on Christmas day and it looks like it is doing great and being preserved perfectly.
Magic Cake! |
Chris made the most delicious stuffed potatoes to go with the ham they were so yummy.
Chris's twiced baked potatoes before they were covered in cheese. |
We were having such a good time just visiting with Mom that we almost forgot the ham this year. Even though it was a little extra done it was still sooooo.... tastety.
Christmas Ham |
Pulled out the Christmas crystal for wine spritzers and then decided I would try to get a picture of the wreaths that are scrolled on them cause it's so pretty. At Christmas most people pull out nicer crystal and the fancy china it's good to have the best of the best once in a while but it's also good to just relax and enjoy each others company.
Close up of scroll on crystal |
Christmas crystal |
Yep it was just us and Mom, a quite intimate dinner. So we used paper plates and pots right on the table, with our expensive Christmas crystal and the yummy beautiful foods. We're not too fancy. We had a combination of the best of the best and relaxed and laid back. Oh and notice Chris's beer bottle...no glass. Ha ha ha!
A simple table starts with paper plates! |
I know presents are not what the holiday is all about and we really don't put much emphasis on who got who what. In our house if you want to buy some one something you can but really we only buy presents for children under 18, cause it's the most fun to watch them rip into them Christmas morning. The best present of all is just knowing everyone I love is safe and having a good time and yet we still always seem to have something under the tree for ourselves and Mom.
The tree packed with presrents. |
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. Can't wait to post about it. See you next year.
Cheers! |