While at the annual New Years party my dog contracted a bad case of fleas. In fact the worse case I've ever seen. Everyone at my house is allergic to fleas except me. So..... getting rid of them is a huge priority around here.
As soon as we came home New Years Day I threw the dog in the tub and scrubbed him real good with the ol' flea and tick shampoo. About 30 fleas floated off. I don't know how so many fleas could have gotten on a dog in one night. So.... he was still itchy I figured it was from the bites. He's allergic and he gets huge whelps and they stay itchy for days. But I looked and more fleas! Ahhhh...... I grabbed him up and washed him again. This time I made him sit in the tub and let the flea shampoo have a chance to take effect. Then I rinsed him and drained the tub and then scrubbed him again just to be sure. Once again though, he was still a little itchy but by this time it was after all New Years Day and I needed to pass out.
So.... this morning I checked and he was covered in fleas. So I ran out to the pet shop to get Cap star, it's this pill you give to the dog and in 30 minutes any flea that bites him is dead, we've used it before and it really worked well. If you make the dog sit still you can see the dead fleas fall off of him. Well....It didn't work. Some fleas died but I don't know there was some kind of super flea stuck to him or something cause thirty minutes later the fleas were eating just as good.
So.... I put some of that bio spot stuff on him. It's suppose to kill fleas for up to 30 days with one application. Nope! Still scratching and now my husband is getting bit.
So....I ran out to the store again and got some different flea shampoo. You know cause we've had that other stuff for a while and maybe it's expired. I also bought some stuff called flea breeze. We've used it before and it takes a while to work but it seems to work really well to get the fleas out of the carpet and furniture. Plus then everything smells good. And now it's probably dawning on people that I didn't say I vacuumed and that IS the main thing you do to get rid of those little evil terrorist but I did that. So.... the husband gets his hands on the flea breeze and starts spraying everything in site. And it says right on the bottle not to let the dog on it until it dries and don't step on it bare footed, which of course I was, as I scoop up the dog and run out the back door.
So... Now I'm sitting around feeling a little floaty. The dog is over in the corner laying on his back with his feet sticking straight up in the air and I checked there isn't a flea on him. Ha Ha!
See my theory is that it's like antibiotics if you don't kill enough of the germs (or fleas), you know by using the right one in the right amount for the right length of time, they get stronger and come back as super germs (or fleas) which is what my dog must have gotten infected with.
So.... kill fleas responsibly by using every kind of flea killing chemicals at your disposal. Only you can prevent supper fleas! Hopefully I did. Oh, The dogs bedding that I washed and threw in the drier is done.
New Year's Day Reese must have been saying "I've got fleas!" |