Christmas vacation started out with a bang. My family had a "we are all still here" party. You know after the world didn't end per the Mayan calendar.
The gang gathered around talking. |
We brought our signs that we no longer needed to protest the end, since it didn't end. And we also brought wrapped toilet paper. You know cause all our money was spent on Armageddon supplies and that's all we had to give for gifts, as a joke. It was a lot of fun and a good theme for a party.
Here we are warning people but we were wrong. |
Since the world didn't end we decided to go ahead and decorate for Christmas.
The tree came out good. |
Then husband did it. He invited all his family to Christmas dinner. With one swoop he was on the phone making calls, organizing things and before I could question the ability to squeeze 30 people into our house, all at the same time, they were all coming. I must say I was in a state of panic but husband, being him, pulled it off. Ham was good, food was amazingly good. I think everyone brought a dish or two, so there was a lot of different foods.
mile long table. |
Everyone did fit into our house. Who new. I feel like there should be a Doctor Seuss book written about it. They all came big and small. They came with pies, they came with turkeys, they came with stars in their eyes. There were games played and talks, talked about even old photos shared. A good time was had by all, all that cared. Oh well, I'm no Dr. Seuss!
Snowman cheese ball |
We had lot's of snacks.
Balls and weenies and I made a couple of
cheese balls. Even one that looked like a snow man. People brought cookies and candies and chips and dip. Just before we were too full of snacks The ham and turkey was done and we feasted like there was never going to be food again.
Some people sitting around the table before dinner. |
People began spilling out onto the back porch where there was a rousing hand of poker played until the mosquitoes decided to join the party. Others went for a long walk and still others relaxed after dinner by watching the game or playing games. I hope everyone had fun we did.
It's as if he knew my husband. |
Hope every one had a Merry Christmas and I can't wait for New Years Eve!