Saturday, May 24, 2014

We went to The March Against Monsanto!

We decided to go to the March Against Monsanto in Orlando, as we feel strongly about our food health. We have been told about a company Monsanto (the makers of Agent Orange, DDT, Bovine Growth hormone and GMO's) is, along with a few other large chemical corporations, is trying to take over the worlds food supply making us dependent on them for food. Or some believe to poison us so we will be dependent on the pharmaceutical companies. Or to control the population. Or to control the world by enslaving us all.

As we approached city hall we saw a lot of people holding signs. Everyone was very friendly. Mostly young people with children. There were a few tables set up with people handing out fliers. Mostly it was everyday people like us who are outraged at what is being passed off as food.
Wake up America our food is banned in 30 countries! 
 There were a few people from Anonymous and there was even one guy dressed like the Lorax. Most people were there to protest GMO's and spread the word about the bees. Round up, another Monsanto product, along with other neonicotinoids products are the cause of colony collapse and if allowed to continue to be sprayed will end our bees. A few were holding signs to protest the TPP. TPP is a secret trade agreement that corporations are hatching to be above national laws. But mostly everyone was there to try to spread awareness about our food and what has been done to it. When you add every thing up together it's really quite scary.
Person from Anonymous.
 It was good to see so many people who care about the environment and about their health and the health of the American citizen. Mostly people are not saying end this science now. Oh no. They just want to know what we are eating. Is it bread or a yoga mat? You eat it and you can't tell because science has progressed to a point where they can spray a chemical on poop and it will not only taste good you will want to eat more and more until you die, literally, from eating it.
That's us holding our signs for the cars who drove by.
 It was a pretty hot day for a march.  I think we started marching a little late too. Many of the speakers were very passionate about what they were saying and we learned a lot of good stuff.
Me listening to the speakers.

 They passed out chants and as we marched we shouted chants. Hell No GMO and the like.
The kids holding their signs for motorist to read.
 In the end as one of the signs said 'an informed public is their worst enemy'. Don't rely on one source for your news. Learn what you can about what is being done to your food. And try to avoid chemicals. Remember if we all stop buying GMO's companies will stop putting it in their products. If you pick one thing to stop buying and try to make more meals from scratch you will help bring the giant down. The giant being MONSANTO!
Peace out!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Relaxing the day away!

Just enjoying a relaxing weekend. Looking into the lake at all the water lilies that are blooming. Our whistling ducks are back this year but I haven't been able to get any pictures. They seem a lot more skittish this year.
Water lilies.
Max, my oldest daughters dog we found out also loves the lake. He has no fear and would run right out into it if we let him. It's a small shallow lake so no doubt he would run into more mud than water until he got to the middle where the spring is.
Max looking into the lake maybe he spotted a turtle.
Our garden is doing well. We've got some nice sized tomatoes and have picked some squash.
We planted two types of yellow squash!
Squash before we picked it.

Unfortunately all the baby oranges fell off the tree so it looks like no oranges again this year. We may have some sort of disease. I'll have to research it. Also the leaves have been curled up. I hope we don't have to dig the tree up.

I hope everyone has a happy and relaxing mothers day the way I plan to.