These banana peppers weren't hot. We actually picked them and ate them already. As you can see my garden is full of weeds and it just keeps getting worse. It's been to hot to weed. I'm outside at work all day, dieing in the heat, and when I get home I'm too zonked out to do much of anything. They keep talking about the heat index and having warnings about going out for too long. Luckily I've been getting done early every day so I'm out of the heat by around 2:00pm. After that the heat is just brutal.
Just think summer starts tomorrow and its going to start to really get hot.
Also I've observed as the heat goes up people get stupider. Well, not really stupider just more air headed. Everyone at work is complaining about it. This one guy was telling me he left for his route the other day and instead headed home. Which was in the opposite direction. He didn't say how far he got before he turned around. But the general idea is.... there has to be a correlation between how hot it is and brain function. Or maybe it's just the length of time spent at high temperatures. I wonder if that means people in hotter areas are not as with it in general as in the cold. Oh, no! That can't be right.
Tomorrow we are taking Chris out to dinner at Pier 66 for fathers day. Happy fathers day to all you fathers.