So... It turns out that in our city you are suppose to get a yard sale permit. Oops. So last blog post was all about an illegal yard sale and apparently yard sales are banned on Sundays. Which is why we had such a poor turn out on that day. Oh well. It was kind of fun and next time we will get that permit.

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day. We decided to stay home and have a fire in the back yard and we smoked a pork butt in our little smoker and had pulled pork sandwiches. MMM.... They were so good. Chris makes this dry rub with all these different spices and things then smokes it all day. But he wont tell anyone what it is in his rub that makes it so good. Later that night my Aunt came over and we sat around the fire and chit chatted for the rest of the night. It was a lot of fun.

Reese's was a little concerned about the fire.
Veronica's foot.

So last night we spent about five hours in the ER because, well mostly because I didn't want anyone saying I was a bad mom.
Veronica fell down the stairs at school the day before yesterday. She did the rest of the day at school and walked home. She looked fine, her foot hurt, but she was fine. I didn't see any reason to panic. But... when I got to work, a lady I work with's daughter also fell down the same stairs a couple of days ago. She rushed her to the hospital and they said something about a growth bone that if it gets injured the bones wont ever grow right so...
(when we got home) off to the hospital we went. Plus Veronica was complaining about the bottom of her foot, not her ankle so I thought well maybe... it was a broken bone. I've heard you can break a bone in your foot and you wont even know till years later when it gives you a problem.
As it turns out it was not a broken bone, or a sprain, she was just fine. Just a bruise on the bottom of her foot. Which is what I knew all along. So all those people who thought I was a bad mom for not rushing her into a flu infested hospital full of germs and sickness. Thanks a lot.
Also is there really a bone that if you break it your bones wont grow right? My Aunt Patty said she heard it was in your wrist not your foot.
Never Forget 9/11/01