This was a very lazy weekend indeed.
I did get the hedge next to the drive way trimmed. It's about six feet high so that's no small feet. VB helped. It's so wide across that I could not reach all the way to the other side of it so.... Our side looks nice and trimmed but the neighbors side is still all shaggy and looks bad. I don't know what the regulations are when it comes to hedges. Am I suppose to trim his side or does he do that? I don't know. But I didn't want to go on his property so that's why his side looks bad.
The green beans I planted out front are doing good. We've got some flowers on them so I expect we will have green beans for dinner in no time. Now I just have to get out there and weed. It's getting to be a little over grown. 

In most places, it is OK to go on a neighbor's property to trim a shared hedge. Unless your neighbor is an ass, he probably will welcome the trim!! Just ask him about it next time you see him.