We had fun decorating the tree. It didn't take long at all this year as we used a PLASTIC one. (yuk) Usually we get a permit from the forestry service and go out and cut down a sand pine in the forest but Chris thought it would be easier to go with plastic. Less mess. No sap on the carpet. And it was. But as I said we have not had a plastic one and there was a little difficulty putting it together. We got it used with no directions. Chris never reads them anyway. He jammed the pole into the base. We had to buy a base for it cause the original was missing. So when it didn't fit exactly we continued on. The real ones never fit right. We matched the colors on the branches to the trunk one row after the next. Then Veronica noticed they were getting bigger as the went up. "That's because the bottom is smaller to fit presents" Chris assured her. They got bigger and bigger till finally Chris had to admit "I think it's upside down." Which would have been great but it was too wobbly.

There was a flurry of getting things ready and before I new it Christmas had arrived. The girls tore threw the presents with their usual gusto.
The dog was, hands down, the happiest one as he had gotten a stocking full of new toys. He took each one and piled them up. It was cute. Then he spent the rest of the day begging for ham.
We enjoyed eating snacks of the season. Cakes, cookies, fudges, dips, crackers, cheese ball, brownie, breads, ect. We had some of all that stuff. When the dinner was done we could hardly move to eat it. But the ham came out really good so we did.
Aunt Patty stopped by with Evan. Jessica had to work so they were going to have their Christmas start late. But really they had already had their Christmas about two days earlier when Even go to go shop with a cop. It's a program that the Mt. Dora police provide to kids that have lukemia, like Evan. He was suppose to go earlier but he had come down with a fever of 103 and couldn't. But they didn't forget about him they made a special trip just for him. So... Hat's off to the Mt. Dora police. They really made a differance for little Evan.
We all love to see Evan. He is always so happy and full of life. We got him some parachuteing toys. Him and the girls had fun playing with them in the living room.

All in all I'd say eveyone had a great Christmas and we are looking forward to next year.

All in all I'd say eveyone had a great Christmas and we are looking forward to next year.
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