Sunday, January 30, 2011

Left overs!!

I'm becoming famous for what I do with my left overs. See we always have left overs because other wise there might not be enough and then some one will end up still hungry and that wouldn't be good. So we keep making too much but then we end up with a refrigerator full of tupperware and plastic baggies full of left overs that you can't throw away because some one will eat them but nobody ever does and then eventually you buy food one day and realize it wont fit in the fridge because of all the left overs which don't look much like left overs anymore. Most of them have fuzzy green stuff on them or black spots. Some have just turned into an unrecognizable blob with juice surrounding it. I always keep the plastic containers from everything this way when I clean out the refrigerator and throw out the left overs I don't feel so bad about also throwing out the container because most of the time I'm afraid to open them because who knows what kind of spores will be released into my home causing me untold misery from my mold allergies. And my mother would kill me if she knew I threw away tupperware with out at least attempting to clean it and bleach it. Sorry Mom that stuff is just to scary so it goes in the garbage bag. I know more plastic. I have night mares about a growing pile of these plastic containers some where. Where ever they take the trash. And in the future when the land is unusable because it's full of plastic the blame falls on me. So any way......

I try to use up those left overs creatively so that my family will eat them and they wont pile up. So that leads me to my latest creation I call it Beef Pot Pie!!
We made stew and yum it was good but we had a ton left over. So I bought some crescent roles, the kind in a tube. Buttered these individual serving dishes that are made to go in the oven. Then lined them with the dough then filled them with the stew, not all the way I left some bubble room. Covered them with more dough. I poked a whole in the middle. Then covered that in aluminum foil and baked them on a cookie sheet on 350 degree oven for about an hour. Actually until I stuck a knife in the whole and it came out warm. I took off the foil and let the crust get brown. They were delicious and everyone liked it. I guess you could use canned stew if you don't have left overs. And you definitely have to remember to butter the outside of the dish where the crust stuck. But it was super easy and good.
We had more crescent role dough than we needed so I went ahead and cooked it up and ta da left over crescent rolls for breakfast this morning.


  1. click on the little pencil if you would like to leave a comment.

  2. I know what you mean about left overs. I think we solved that issue of keeping them too long by dating them and tossing anything older than 4 days. Anything older than that is not safe for consumption. Stick-on notes work great. We do the same for things in the freezer. Six months is our limit for things in the freezer.

    You know those bananas that ripen too fast here in Florida? Well, I have learned to mash them before time to toss them, measure out a two cup quantity in a zip-lock bag, date it and put it in the freezer for the next batch of banana nut bread.

    Love you,

    Aunt Gail


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