I suppose this time of year is all about changes. The weather is changing. I've got a new computer and that is a big change. Erica is coming home and that's huge, but she wont be here long before she is off to her next destination and that's a big change for her. I'm going to be a grandma and that's the biggest change of all! Change, change, change!
Here is a big change! |
My crazy water melon is still growing like crazy changing the look of my flower/herb garden. We've got a huge vine taking over the entire front garden and part of the walk and one little soccer ball sized melon. I don't think it knows it is supposed to grow in the spring so it can be eaten in the summer. I'm looking forward to having water melon with my Thanksgiving dinner. Or maybe Christmas. I'm not sure how much longer it needs to grow.
One thing that changes every night is the great Florida sunsets. |
We've been enjoying sitting on the back porch watching the sun set but lately with all the rain we have
blind mosquitoes every where. They are also called aquatic midges or chizzy winks but around here they are known as a pain in the butt. There are usually swarms of them. If you go out after dark, when they are most active and you encounter a swarm, you have to cover your mouth and nose so you can breath. That's how many there are at once. They seem to like the color white and will land all over white colored houses in such numbers the house will appear greyed out from them. They don't live long and the next day you will have piles of dead blind mosquitoes to sweep up. On the good side they also get all over the spider webs and if you have spider webs on your house you will be able to see them better to clean them up.
Hawk |
One thing I have to change is the fact that I can't really edit my photo's with my computer. On the old one I had two different editing programs and didn't even realize it. On this one I don't even have the capacity to crop the photos. My daughter suggested I use one of those on-line photo sites. So I plan to do some experimenting and I'll let you know.
I apologize for not visiting my favorite blogs lately, and i promise to do some catching-up with everyone in the next few days. We are experiencing cooler weather starting today (Thursday) and as for myself I'm looking forward to falls return to the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. And are the color of the leaves changing your your way folks as they are mine. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall season that has now begun. Richard from Amish Stories