Friday, August 24, 2012

Wild Boar attack

Every morning I walk my dog around the house. Well, this morning just as we were about to go back inside we came upon a wild boar standing between us and the front door. At first I thought it was a pet of one of my neighbors. It was black with fluffy fur all over no bald spots and it even had a beautiful long fuzzy tail. I clapped and shouted at it but it just stood it's ground and looked at us as if it wanted to eat us.
Sus scrofa, is the name of Florida wild hogs.
Soon I noticed it had tusk about three inches maybe four inches long and I new right then that I was faced with a giant wild hog. The only thing I know about hogs is they have been known to eat people and are very unpredictable and dangerous. I couldn't make it to my front door and I didn't have the car keys to jump in the car. I thought about jumping in the back of my husbands pickup truck but I didn't think I could do it fast enough with out letting go of my dogs leash. So I stood my ground. And yelled for my husband as loud as I could. No one came not even a neighbor. I could be getting murdered and no one would ever know. I backed up against the truck. My faithful dog stood barking between me and the wild beast. 
 All of a sudden it blinked and then came charging at us I thought "this is it I'm going to die" but my little dog, half dachshund half chihuahua, (Chiweenie) morphed into a hound from hell. His fur standing even higher on end, his mouth tripling in size as he went charging toward it jumping up and doing a full body slam against the side of the beast as he bit at it's cheek. The hog was so stunned it gave me time to run like heck to the neighbors house,  dragging my little dog by his choke chain the whole way, I banged furiously on the door. Finally after what seemed an eternity the woman answered. Rubbing her eyes she says "What?" I said "There is a big pig in my yard!" and she looked at me like I was crazy. But when she came and saw it she was like "Oh my what do we do?" The big boar stood staring at us. And I was ready to knock this woman down run past her right in her house. But it decided it had enough of my little dog and just walked away down the road.

Pictures were taken when it came back.

The whole time I though I wish I had my camera. But I was glad to be able to get back to my house. I got my husband who barely believed me. He went out side to see if he could see any thing and sure enough the pig had come back. Just as black and fluffy as can be. So I got the camera and snapped some shots. I was scared to get too close to it after being charged at so that's why the pictures aren't the best. 
When I got to work and told my story one of the ladies I work with asked "Did that pig have a fluffy tail?"  Yes it did. I never expected a wild animal to look so nice and fluffy. Well it turns out the same pig was at her house the day before. It attacked her horses and cut a six inch gash into one of them. They hunted it for a while with big hunting dogs but when the dogs had it trapped it bowled right through them and escaped.  I guess I was luckier than I thought. Turns out this boar was very aggressive and had already attacked other animals. I'm glad I called the sheriff and I hope they got it while I was at work. If not I hope it doesn't come back.


  1. mmmmm unprocessed beacon

  2. This is hilarious! Everything happens to you


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