Well, it's been a while. We have been having loads of problems here lately. Health, money the usual and I just haven't had time or inclination to sit down and write a blog post when things have been, well really, quite gloomy. But I figured people will want to know what we have been up to the past couple of months so... Here is the run down of it.
Grand kids in the pools. |
We have been watching a lot of the grand children while oldest daughter is busy with the national guard and now school. It's great to help her out while she puts her ducks in a row. And it's our pleasure to get to spend time with them as they grow and develop. We both realize how much different having children in the 40's is compared to when we were in our 20's. Ha! We're so old.
Baby boy grand baby! |
Plus we are getting to watch miracles happen, like baby boy taking his first steps.
Approach to home. |
Oldest daughter secured a place to live and moved out. It's a really nice place in the country on 5 acres. With a hog hunting range near by and loads of land the neighbors own. She is pretty isolated out there.
Great grandmother with grand baby boy. |
Grammy's house flooded because of her dishwasher. These things always happen at night. She woke up to a house full of water. But the good news was most of it was covered under the insurance. So we spent some time with her helping her do repairs on the house. We painted and ripped out the old carpet. Her place is looking pretty spiffy now. She had some health problems early in the year and had a procedure performed that she had to go all the way to Gainesville for, and she is feeling a lot better too. So she is having a pretty good rest of the year we hope.
Granddaughter at her first parade |
For the fourth of July we got up early and went to one of the local parade in a near by down. At first the grand kids were scared to death with all the sirens and opening noises at the beginning of the parade. But pretty soon they learned that if you wave and shout the floats through candy at you. There was a little girl sitting next to us that had a very similar dress as Grand daughter and they looked so cute standing near each other waving at all the floats.
Me being sick at the family get together. |
We had a big family 4th get together planned, a cousin who we hadn't seen in years came from California but I was ill with and ear infection and stomach ache.Leaving the bathroom was difficult. But I wasn't going to let anything stop me from seeing my Cali cousin. I got up early that morning despite feeling like death and dragged myself to the local urgent care for some meds. My stomach started feeling better almost right away even though antibiotics usually upset my stomach. The doctor said my ear drum was about to burst so that may explain the stomach ache and dizziness. I had a great time in spite of spending half the day sitting at the doctors and the rest sitting on the couch most of the time. It's always good to visit with family and I always have a great time.
Cali cousin and wife taking a plate of key lime pie to go. |
It was definitely worth all the grief visiting my family caused. Getting to see my cuz made it worth putting up with the old bittty's at work that were mad cause I couldn't work that day. But with the ear infection so bad I was dizzy and my stomach had flip flops I would have had to take a day to visit a doctor either way their was no way I could drive. Some times we just have to see what is more important and with me family comes first always.
Youngest daughter got a CT scan. |
Youngest daughter has been battling yet another mysterious ailment. This time involving her kidneys. With the lumpectomy she had last year and now this I think she has had enough radiation and ultra sounds that she should be glowing and humming. She takes all this stuff so much better than I could. She is a real inspiration to me. She always wants to help people, She volunteers at the local hospital as much as she can. And is always wanting to help the poor who we see occasionally holding need food signs. And recently was stopped on the way in to a store and asked if she wanted to do a walk-a-thon for a local church we aren't even part of. Right away she turns to me and says "Can I?" They said it was on her birthday. So she got even more excited because the priest or what ever told her there would be cake and it could be her birthday cake. She is amazing!
Birthday boy! |
We had a milestone too for baby boy he turned one years old and got his first taste of cake. Mom smeared a little icing on his hand thinking he would put it in his mouth... but it was not the case. He did not like having his hand dirty, but once he got a taste of the cake he got over it.
I hope the rest of the year improves for us and I will try to up date this blog more and post more about our fall garden. So far we have only radishes planted.