Husband has been busy around the yard. He acquired some leaves from a yard raking job he had and incorporated them into the garden which is mostly a sand pit. We are going to try planting some alf alfa, as soon as we find out where to get some seeds, because I heard that alf alfa will regenerate the soil and that is what we need.
Fall garden area. |
He put all the weeds he pulled from the garden in
the fire pit and is ready for the next backyard burn.
Fire pit ready for a burn. |
He got a couple of papaya trees from the neighbor and planted them. They are little twigs now but hopefully soon we will get a papaya.
Papaya tree! |
Youngest daughter got an organic peach and noticed the seed had a sprout so she wrapped it an a paper towel and it got bigger so she finally planted it in a pot and, look, it sprouted and has leaves.
My mom has a peach tree in her yard and it has yummy little peaches on it every year. Florida peaches are just as good if not better than Georgia.
Peach tree. |
The fig trees have a bumper crop this year every branch has three or four figs. It's still a fig bush though only about two feet tall.
brown turkey figs! |
fig bush with figs on it. |
All the plants are doing great this year. And Puppy dog loves them all.
Giant fern bush thing that my Aunt gave me and said it wont grow. |
A few years ago husband planted a plant in honor of his dear Aunt who he loved so much. It did not make it past the first winter and we thought it died but then it came back so we got another one and it would not grow. And people kept stepping on it. So I moved it to a shadier spot where it was out of the way of traffic and it died and then not only did it come back but another grew in the spot where it had been moved from so now we have three of these plants.
Auntie plant. |
Plant that got moved. |
I've plated carrots and radishes in the front planter near the peanut plant. And they seem to be doing pretty good too. I just need to do some weeding and I'd better do it quick.
Carrot plants surrounded by weeds! |
Another Aunt gave me some basil and I said that wont grow in my sand but it is doing great next to my oregano and mint plant.
Oregano with sexy frog and behind him is radishes and at the top of the picture is basil and ferns and in the front is part of the picture is the peanut plant. |
Next year I'm just going to plant a bunch of these peanut plants they seem to love it hear.
Radish plants with peanut growing over them. |
Huge peanut plant! Yes, they have little yellow flowers. |
And then finally grand daughter helped me plant the honey dew plants we grew from seeds we got from a honey dew we bought. She was a little ruff with the plants but she is only two.
Honey dew in the top of the picture. I'm not sure what the other plants are anymore. but we will plant them and find out. |
Hopefully we will have a good fall garden. It's late so this may turn into a winter garden. Husband has got to get busy to make it before the end of the fall planting season.
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