We were planing on heading out to the beach but with the threat of a storm (tropical storm Beryl) We decided it would be better to stay around the house. There will be rip currents at the beach that could suck us out and no one really wanted to go fishing today. We are hoping we get some of that rain here cause it's so dry but I think it will stay north of us.
So... We are planning a great bar-b-q. We purchased a little charcoal one at the store and this is the perfect time to test it out. We will also be thinking of all the men and women who have served in the military because that's what this holiday is about after all. It marks the beginning of summer and boy I can't wait! I love everything summer! I hope we have lot's of opportunities to enjoy the beach and springs this year.
The one thing we can't really do in summer is drive around Emeralda Marsh Conservation area
Emeralda Marsh Emeralda Marsh Conservation Area. So we decided it was a great day for a drive. And one of the last days the drive area is open. The sun was shining and it was a good time for a pic nic. We packed up our cooler and our puppy and we were gone.
We were surprised to see how grown up all the vegetation was. Usually there is more open water. And you can see lot's of alligators. But the water level was low and no gators even though it is mating season for them.
Youngest daughter wanted to get a closer look at this strange plant that we had never see. |
This is an example of the pollution that this area is filtering out of lake Griffin. The pollution was caused by this land being farmed and all of the fertilizer ran off into the lake causing a growth of allege and choking all the oxygen out of the water so the fish die. |
Reese's was serious about finding some birds or at least some thing interesting. |
We did spot a few birds not as many as at the beginning of the season. I guess when the snow birds go back up north so do the birds. |
We made it to the observation tower and got out to have our pic nic.
There's the observation area. |
Looking for birds. |
Reese's waited patiently while we ate our lunch. |
Reese's found these bird egg shells for us to look at. |
And while we were looking at the shells he was rolling in alligator poop. We didn't realize until later when we found a spot on his neck. |
We enjoyed our lunch and then loaded back into the car for the rest of the ride. After the observation area, is always where I spot the most birds. I'm not sure if that is because that's where all the birds are or because after sitting amongst the wild life in serene silence I end up with a new state of peace that allows me to more easily spot the birds.
Come back for the next blog to see what all we did see.
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