Saturday, May 5, 2012

We got the armadillo!

After moving the humane trap all over the yard and trying all sorts of tricks designed to baffle the critter it finally decided to go in the trap.
I woke up and let out the dog as usual and all of a sudden I hear his high pitched barking, which means he's in trouble usually, I came running out and sure enough there was the little grey guy in the cage. Armadillo!

I expected it to be all pissed off and mean hissing and ready to bite some one, spitting it's leprosy laden spit every where but it was actually crying. It was so sad. It sounded like umh, umh, umh. I felt so bad for it. but it was better than it digging my whole house up and it wasn't like we killed it. We were just going to relocate it to a better spot. Still I felt guilty here this guy was going about it business of digging up my house and looking for grubs in my yard, (which explains why its so incredible fat. My yard is full of them!) it got stuck in this horrible trap.

I had to go to work and I knew Husband wasn't going to get up till later So despite the risk of possibly getting leprosy I covered the cage with a blanket. In case it got sunny and so it didn't feel so wide out in the open.
When Husband did get up he took it to the forest and let it go. He said it turned and looked at him as if to say good bye before it scurried into the woods.
You can hear the armadillo crying in this video. I hope it found a good spot to hide. I hope it wasn't to traumatized by being in the cage all morning. I wish you well armadillo you weren't as horrible as I'd imagined.

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