Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's Hot!!! And Dry!!

We have been going a long time with out rain. I was told today that our rain quota is the same as it was a few years ago when everything caught on fire. We are all hopping that we can get some significant rain before the forth so we don't end up with fire work restrictions. Some counties have already banned them and I heard one county even banned sparklers. What's the Forth of July with out fireworks? Oh sure you can go to those city displays but it's just not the same thrill as potentially setting your self, your house or your children on fire. We all want those home fire works. We need to blow stuff up. Even if it's our hands. So please let it rain, rain, rain.
Plus this year we are going to have out of state visitors who've never experienced a Florida Forth of July. The way the rockets red glare lights up the lakes as they fly at you from a barge parked in the center of the lake. You just don't get that in other states. The way that bottle rocket possibly sets the spanish moss hanging in the old oak to sparkling. Yes... We need rain!
It's been so dry the cat tails all popped and are sending fuzzy seeds everywhere.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Time!

And so summer begins here in Florida. The temperature keeps going up, up, up. Unfortunately it is still dry, dry, dry. Lawns are giving was to sand pits. But the rainy season will be here again soon and everything will be growing out of control before we know it. The afternoon thunder storm that coincides with tea time everyday right on schedule. I can't wait. But until then we have to contend with water restrictions and to water the grass, garden, flowers, bushes, trees or what ever else you have that is wilting. Even though almost everything is dieing we still had some wild flowers pop up. I'm not sure what kind they are but they are very pretty.
The other day I found Tahiti sauce to make hummus with. I tried to make it without this ingredient but it didn't taste like the store bought hummus. The hummus recipe is fairly easy. I just have to adjust the amounts a bit.
1 16 oz can of chick peas (also called garbanzo beans)
reserved liquid from the can of peas
2 gloves of roasted garlic (I tried it with 3 unroasted and it was way too much)
2 tbs lemon juice
1tbs  Tahiti sauce
2tbs light olive oil (the virgin is too strong and overwhelms it.)
spices ( I used dried garlic,chili powder,salt,to taste.)
Put everything in a food processor or blender and chop,chop chop. Add some of the reserved liquid from the can and olive oil as needed to make smooth. Placed well mixed and chopped ingredients in a bowl.
Make a well in the center and fill with more olive oil. Then garnish with paprika and parsley flakes. I also added clamata olives diced up. You could put pine nuts, roasted peppers or what ever you like. It's not even half of what the store bought stuff is.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another end of the world theory! To scary for children to read.

I belive this to be my theory and my sole creation so anyone else who wants to reprint this needs to get my permission. Please post as a link for others to read.

Ok.... Theory goes: Something happens, natural disaster, meteor, climate change, all of which we as humans are more than evolved to deal with. My theory is what happens after that. My theory is that possibly humans are like locust.

Photo taken from National Geographic.
 Right now we are happy little grass hoppers, roaming around, doing what we do, relatively peacefully. But something happens and triggers a human gregarious phase, such as a locust have, and we begin to change. We will under go metabolic and behavioral changes. We become aggressive, we will do things we would never normally dream of doing, murder, rape, plunder, destroy. Much like locust eating everything in there path. We will move as a herd leaving only death and destruction behind us. Now we are talking herd behavior, mob mentality, collective consciousness, mass hysteria, swarm intelligence.

 Possible examples of this behavior is when in some instances people have committed crimes during riots that they would never have done any other time. Such as theft, rape, and even murder. Some times they have no memory of doing any of  this. This would be the early stages of what awaits us.

Another example would be in a state of panic people act instinctively. They may follow the crowd, they may shove an elderly person to the ground to escape a burning building, they may jump from a burning building. We may do things that we would never belive we would do.

 After 9/11 many people reported not remembering how they got out of the buildings. During car accidents many people do not remember what happened to them directly following the accident. Much like this, if any of us survive this phase of humanity, we will not remember what happened at all, what we ourselves had done. We may not even remember what came before. We will be different.

Another example would be how the Germans acted as a mass. They new what they were doing was wrong but continued on in fear. If morality is removed many humans will do unspeakable things that they would never consider doing otherwise. Like wise to much morality may make us do unspeakable things, such as the witch hunts of the American colonies.

In humans this behavior is mostly seen in situations where fear or anger are a factor. But if hunger suddenly comes into play to trigger this behavior, you would  then see the transformations that I am suggesting. You would then see people acting as locust. With one mind. Death, destruction and peril would surely follow.

picture from man verses fish.
 We may under go a staggering metamorphosis. It will be psychological and physical. We may look completely different from the way we do now. Much like the locust who change color and even size or  like the salmon that swim into salty water and then return to fresh.  In salmon this is called the grilse phase. Many scientist say that it may be odor, the chemical signature of a particular stream, that ignites these changes. As well it may be with humans.We may emit pheromones that entice others to join us.

It has been seen when humans gather together and there are smells of urine and perspiration the swarm intelligence takes root. Often times this has been seen at sporting events in which violence breaks out.

 picture from daily mail
Science has documented that there is 10% of the human brain that is not used. That 10% is what is activated during this time of human swarming. The metabolic changes that take place trigger blood flow and heart rate changes that wake up this sleeping 10% and it guides us in what to do. We will no longer be us. We will resemble in some ways zombies from the horror movies or we may act like a crazed mob at a sporting event or looters during a riot. Exactly what will occur is not known. If it is anything like these this is a fairly accurate depiction of what we can expect.

Many of the religions of the world stress order, discipline, self control.  Perhaps these are the lessons our ancestors want us to have learned perhaps it was to stave off the swarm mentality. To protect us from our inevitable fate.

And this could be, possibly, the end of humanity. Or I could just be making all of this up. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First day of hurricane season! 6-1-11

We need rain. It's so dri. Everyone's grass is brown except where their septic tank is. You know if yours is working by the green grass.

Well, I thought I would get everyone started getting ready for the season, even thought we are looking forward to some good squalls to dump some rain on us. Hopefully we wont get anything too bad. Usually here in central Florida the storm peters out before it gets to us and all we get is downed trees and power lines. Bad enough, but nothing like the wind they get on the coast.

First thing to do:
 is get you one of these handy dandy hurricane plotting maps/guide things. I don't know what good it is. But I guess you have to have one if a hurricane is coming so you know which way it goes or is going. I don't know. Maybe there is a drinking game I'm unaware of. Any way you can find these things everywhere. News papers, grocery stores,banks and they give them away free, so don't go spending any money on one. Mine came from Publix. Thank you Publix!

Some times they have useful info like what kind of provisions to stock pile, and the names of the hurricanes for this year are usually listed on it some where. Guess that's so you know what the name of the next storm is going to be in case that's the one that blows your house away.Or maybe that's where the drinking game comes in. I usually write emergency numbers on it. You know Mom, work, the police, fema, ect.

Anyway there is a load of useful information on these things that you will undoubtedly ignore until the hurricane is barring down on you. In which case the news will tell you that you should have done all this stuff months ago and now there are long lines at the grocery stores, hardware stores, and gas stations. And your going to be standing in them.While your there, standing in line with all your neighbors, you will say "Oh well, What will be will be. There's nothing I can do. I'm in God's hands." And that's when it also occurs to you to make a trip to one more store, the liquor store!

That's all my hurricane tips for today stay tuned for more. If I ever get to the store to buy those provisions that it says I must have in my guide/map thing.