Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First day of hurricane season! 6-1-11

We need rain. It's so dri. Everyone's grass is brown except where their septic tank is. You know if yours is working by the green grass.

Well, I thought I would get everyone started getting ready for the season, even thought we are looking forward to some good squalls to dump some rain on us. Hopefully we wont get anything too bad. Usually here in central Florida the storm peters out before it gets to us and all we get is downed trees and power lines. Bad enough, but nothing like the wind they get on the coast.

First thing to do:
 is get you one of these handy dandy hurricane plotting maps/guide things. I don't know what good it is. But I guess you have to have one if a hurricane is coming so you know which way it goes or is going. I don't know. Maybe there is a drinking game I'm unaware of. Any way you can find these things everywhere. News papers, grocery stores,banks and they give them away free, so don't go spending any money on one. Mine came from Publix. Thank you Publix!

Some times they have useful info like what kind of provisions to stock pile, and the names of the hurricanes for this year are usually listed on it some where. Guess that's so you know what the name of the next storm is going to be in case that's the one that blows your house away.Or maybe that's where the drinking game comes in. I usually write emergency numbers on it. You know Mom, work, the police, fema, ect.

Anyway there is a load of useful information on these things that you will undoubtedly ignore until the hurricane is barring down on you. In which case the news will tell you that you should have done all this stuff months ago and now there are long lines at the grocery stores, hardware stores, and gas stations. And your going to be standing in them.While your there, standing in line with all your neighbors, you will say "Oh well, What will be will be. There's nothing I can do. I'm in God's hands." And that's when it also occurs to you to make a trip to one more store, the liquor store!

That's all my hurricane tips for today stay tuned for more. If I ever get to the store to buy those provisions that it says I must have in my guide/map thing.

1 comment:

  1. There IS a drinking game!!!!
    It involves the name, Lat. & Long. & wind speed.The liquor store Is the 1st place to stop!! That way you have plenty!!! Also, if you're drunk, nothing else matters, except munchies!!!!


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