Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We are back!

We made it back just as fast at we got there despite agreeing to take our time and not drive like the roads going to fall apart.Chris just can't drive slow.  But the trip was great! We met up with everyone in Kansas, at my sisters. My brother John and a friend Wendy and her daughter drove up from Arkansas. Then we all headed to Oklahoma for the graduation. 
We got to see our soldier graduate basic training. 
Doesn't she look good.

That's all that army food! She said it was pretty good. Which makes me wonder about our cooking. But... the first thing she wanted was fast food restaurants so I think she was exaggerating the goodness of the army food.
She really bulked up while she was there. All muscle! Her arms are as big as her dad's now. That may not be saying all that much but she was a toothpick when she left. Yep! Heslin attitude with the ability an knowledge of how to kill people bare handed. Well, they did gave her a gun and showed her how to use it. So ya'll bad guy's better watch out. Cause my daughter is awesome!
4th of July
We spent the 4th at my sisters in Kansas. Boy was that a lot of fun. People in her city are crazy for fire works. It sounded like a war zone with all the mortar type fireworks. All we had to do was walk outside every house was lighting them off. People had attached candles to tiny parachutes they lit the candles on fire and  they flew up and over the houses all night. I asked my sister but no one there worries about their houses catching on fire. And there was definitely no forests to worry about. We had a blast. (No pun intended.)

It was very difficult but we finally got the whole crew to stand together long enough for this one, yes only one, picture. The kids were all having so much fun playing with the pool table, lighting off fireworks, running all over the place. It reminded me of Thanks givings at my Aunts when I was little and the whole family use to get together. Hope we don't have to wait another 20 years for everyone to get together again.


  1. WoW man I wanna join dah Army too... KILL KILL KILL... MAKE WAR tah hell with love.

  2. I'm not saying we should all make war but when duty calls we WILL do what we can to protect our family. and I think that goes for all of us.


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