Sunday, August 21, 2011

Last weekend of summer before school starts!

Bet you thought it was going to be a picture of us at the beach! Nope we stayed around the house. Did some back to school shopping. School supplies! And pulled some weeds. Getting the house all spiffy for the up coming school year.
After I pulled most of the weeds in the front garden I noticed the chives had beautiful flowers on them. I've had these chives for ever and never had a single flower so this made me pretty happy.

Garlic chives. Notice the flat leaves.

These are great chopped up on scrambled eggs.
 After pulling a few more weeds I found I had this water melon vine. I'm not sure if I planted water melon seeds here or not. It's a possibility. I've planted a lot of stuff in that front garden but the only thing that really grows good is weeds.

Possibly a weed that looks like a watermelon.

We noticed this unusual lizard looking at us through the window on the door this morning. He stayed there and let us take tons of pictures, but only this one came out any good. Notice the strange flap of skin on his back.

Chris took this awesome sunset picture. It's the last sunset before school starts the official end of summer.


  1. That lizard is a killer!! I've seen it in movies!!!
    RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!
    Cool sunset pic!!!!

  2. That lizard is kinda weird looking maybe it's one of those government spy cams. HA! HA!


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