Friday, February 26, 2010

My dog's hat.

This is my dog Reese's. We rescued him, a few blogs back you can read about him, and ever since he is the strangest dog ever. Right now he is on the back of the couch looking out the front window and barking at any thing that moves. He is a Chi weenie. That's part Chihuahua and part Dachshund.
I don't know if it's the way they are bred or what but our dog has small ears. When he sticks his head out the window in the car they flap back and the wind gets in his ears. It's tragic. He can't really enjoy it like a normal dog should.

Until Now!
Mom made him a hat! A flight hat! To stop those darn short ears from flopping back. To hold them down. Now I know those Hollywood pups get strange out fits and all but they aren't really that practical. Well, maybe those little rain coats. But this hat is important it serves a purpose. So don't give me a hard time about how dogs are animals and aren't supose to were cloths. Just check out how happy he is wearing it. 
"Thank You Gramme!" Love Reese's

1 comment:

  1. Now that's purdy inventive!!! Maybe y'all should patent it & market it!!! Make a fortune!!!--KIM


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